Karlheinz Meier
Special session on Large Scale Brain Initiatives
Will talk about: The EU Human Brain Project - Scientific foundations and plans
Since 2011 : Co-Director of the EU HBP FET Flagship Project - 2011-2013 : Invited professor at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) - since 2010 : Coordinator of the EU BrainScaleS Consortium - since 2009 : Coordinator of the Marie-Curie Network FACETS-ITN - since 2009 : Member of the Board of the German Physical Society - 2007-2009 : President of ECFA and European delegate of ICFA - 2005-2010 : Coordinator of the EU FACETS Consortium - 2000 : Award for Excellence in Teaching from the State of Baden-Württemberg - 1999 : Founding Director of the Kirchhoff Institut für Physik - 1994-2012 : Project leader of the LHC-ATLAS Trigger PreProcessor - 1994 : Founding Director of the Laboratory for Microelectronics Heidelberg - since 1992 : Chair Experimental Physics, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - 1990-1992 : Scientific Staff (tenure) at DESY (Hamburg) - 1988-1990 : Scientific Staff at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) - 1984-1988 : Research Fellow at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) - 1984 : Ph.D. in Physics from Hamburg University - 1981 : Diploma in Physics from Hamburg University.
The EU has recently approved the Human Brain Project (HBP) as one
of 2 European research flagships. The HBP will provide new tools
to help understand the brain and its fundamental mechanisms and
to apply this knowledge in future medicine and novel computing architectures.
Central to HBP is Information and Computing Technology (ICT). The project will
develop 6 ICT platforms for neuroinformatics, brain simulation, medical
informatics, supercomputing, neuromorphic computing and neurorobotics
that will make it possible to federate neuroscience data from all over
the world, to integrate the data in unifying models
and simulations of the brain, to check the models against data from
biology and to make them available to the world scientific community.
The ultimate goal is to allow neuroscientists to connect the dots
leading from genes, molecules and cells to human cognition and behavior.